Palestine: ‘Two-state solution’ is code for Neo-Colonialism

Palestine: ‘Two-state solution’ is code for Neo-Colonialism

Evidence of genocide in Palestine has inspired several prominent onlookers in Western media and academia to offer up “solutions”. This means the resurfacing of the so-called two-state solution, ie providing Palestinians with their own nation-state – one that would coexist peacefully with Israel.

It is better to leave it to the Palestinians to discuss their own future. But, for my own edification, it would be helpful to know whether what is being offered in the “two-state solution” is the same old neo-colonialism, especially as it seems increasingly possible that this talk of two states may become more than the ruse it is now. That is, more than a distraction created to present Israel and the West as rational, modern actors genuinely committed to the pursuit of “peace in the region” but whose efforts are frustrated by atavistic Palestinian terrorism. A “solution” emerging from the colonists’ goodwill, drawn from the humanitarian breast of those engaged in the extermination campaign.


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