Israel: How did it get to this?

Israel: How did it get to this?

Convivencia Alliance special webinar

May 2nd, 18:00 London time, 20:00 Palestine time

Registration link: Click Here

Prof. Raef Zreik will speak on: from the constitution of colonization to the colonization of the constitution


Prof. Haim Bresheeth-Zabner will speak on: Zionism has arrived, and it’s shocking…

The meeting will be chaired by Prof. Hagit Borer, Queen Mary University of London

Raef Zreik is Prof. of jurisprudence at Ono academic college, senior researcher at the Van Leer institute, and currently a visiting fellow at Harvard Divinity School, and last semester a fellow at the human rights program at Yale law school, and between 2010 and 2022 was the academic co-director of the Minerva Center for the humanities at Tel Aviv University. Graduate of the Hebrew University, Columbia University and Harvard law school. Main fields of research and writing include legal and political philosophy, Zionism, Palestine-Israel, and Citizenship studies. Among recent publications: What’s in the Apartheid Analogy?( with Azar Dakwar in Theory and Event), The Ethics of the Intellectual (Philosophy and Social Criticism); Kant: on the Future (Iyyun- the Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly), and his book titled ” Kant’s Struggle for Autonomy: On the Structure of Practical Reason” is just came out  in 2023 from Rowman-Littlefield.


Haim Bresheeth is a filmmaker, photographer and a film studies scholar, and a Professorial Research Associate at SOAS University of London. His books include the best-selling Introduction to the Holocaust (with Stuart Hood, 2 reprints since 1997; published in Turkish, Croatian and Japanese. Edited volumes include The Gulf War and the New World orderCinema and Memory: Dangerous Liaisons (Hebrew) 2004, and The Conflict and Contemporary Visual Culture in Palestine & Israel, special issue of Third Text on Palestinian and Israeli Art, Literature, Architecture and Cinema. His films include the widely-shown State of Danger (1989, BBC2), London is Burning (2013) and Convivencia at the Turnpike (2015). Recent films include The Last Honeymoon in Europe (2018). His book An Army Like No Other: How the IDF Made Israel, Verso, 2020.





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